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How to play Lord of the Dragons for iOS: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Lord of the Dragons for the iPhone and iPod Touch! This game puts you into a world that combines a card battler with a mafia RPG, putting you in charge of quests, building up an army, amassing insane quantities of weapons and armor, and battling other players (in and out of guilds) to win prizes. The quest mode is almost endless in this game, and the player vs player mode never lets you rest for even a second. Read on for the beginner’s guide to Lord of the Dragons!

The first thing that you do once you go into the game, aside from getting your first warrior, is to begin the quest mode. When you are in quest mode, you simply tap on the screen and you advance forward. You have three bars below you. Progress mode shows how far from completing a quest you are, while experience shows how close you are to gaining a level and energy shows how many “energy points” that you have left before you run out and and have to wait for the bar to fill again. Each step that you take drains your energy meter, increases your experience and increases your progress.

When your progress bar hits 100 percent, you move onto the next quest, and when you finish with an area (a set of quests), you’ll fight a boss and move onto the next area. Each area contains three quests, and each level contains 3 areas. You can tell that you have hit a new level when the background changes on the stage. Each time that you beat a level, you will earn bonuses such as a golden key, which allows you to open rare cards. More on that later.

Your main “currency” for acquiring new cards is secret box tokens. You earn them either through coming across strangers and guild members in the quests, sending gifts back and forth with your friends, or earning them as daily login bonuses or for completing a level. Secret box tokens allow you to open the Normal Secret Box, which either earns you a new warrior card, or earns experience points for one of the cards that you already have, thus leveling it up and increasing attack power.

Click here to continue to part 2 of the Lord of the Dragons beginner’s guide!