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Montowers ~Legend of Summoners~ for iOS: How to get rare monsters, upgrade, and mix monsters

Montowers ~Legend of Summoners~ is an RPG with card battling elements to it, in that as you go along in the game, you get different monsters and their coins, allowing you to summon a large quantity of different monsters to become a part of your party. The more powerful the monsters you get, the higher your chances of winning at any given moment, which especially becomes apparent against the tough opponents. Read on to find out how to get uncommon, rare and unique (and super rare) monsters, how to upgrade monsters, and how to mix monsters!

The rare monsters, like their common counterparts, are found in all of the different towers that you fight in as the game goes. The higher that you go in a tower, the more of the monsters that you find, and while the normal monsters usually give you a monster coin right away, it seems impossible to get them from the harder and more rare monsters.

The solution is simply to fight the hard monsters over and over and over until you eventually earn the monster coin. Try to save your potions as much as possible by letting your monsters recover after each round, to make it a much less expensive affair.

Upgrading your monsters changes and evolves their appearance and causes them to do more damage. Tap on the down-arrow below a monster when you’re in the monster screen, and the statistics menu for that monsters will pop up, including how many of each gem that you need to upgrade your monster. Your monsters have three levels: normal, elder and master, with normal being their original form, and master being their most powerful form. Upgrade all of your active monsters to master if practical.

Mixing monsters requires you to have a monster recipe. You can earn monster recipes with certain quests that you complete, as well as completing certain towers and earning a bonus. Once you have the recipe, you need to have both of the required monsters filling spaces in your present monster list PLUS one empty space. Go to the empty space and hit the mix button, and scroll to the recipe that you want.

You can get more rare monsters and mix recipes by using the Gachamon function, or simply the Gacha function for short. This, along with adding more spaces to your monster list, is one of the best ways of spending all of those tokens that you earn completing quests and subquests.