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MLB Full Deck for iOS: How to get more uncommon, rare, star, super star or limited-edition players

In MLB Full Deck, there are six levels of rarity of players that you can get. Common players make up most of them, but there are also uncommon (one star), rare (two star), star (three star), super star (gold three star), or limited edition (LE) cards. The higher the rarity, the tougher that they are to find and/or get, but the more powerful they will be, so read on to find out how to get more of the rarest cards in the game!

Getting uncommon and rare cards is easy. Uncommon cards can be had just as easily as common cards. You win them in games fairly frequently, especially after an inning in which you score runs. In addition, the standard player pack and the daily free player pack will earn you uncommon cards frequently, and every so often, they will earn you rare cards.

Rare cards can also be had very commonly by buying a silver player pack, or a gold player pack will buy you at MINIMUM a rare card. The next rarity up is “star” which you have a slim chance at when you buy a silver player pack. However, when you buy a golden player pack, you have a much better chance at getting a “star” card, with a pretty good chance at a “superstar” card as well.

Inviting friends under the “social” menu can earn you some rare cards as well. If you add fifteen friends, you’ll get an uncommon card. 25 friends will net you a rare card, and 50 friends will earn you another rare card. If you manage to add 75 friends, you’ll earn a superstar card. In addition, with all of those bonus gems that you earn from adding friends, you can buy even more silver and gold packs to get even more rare cards.

Limited Edition cards can be found during limited time events, which are notated by hitting the “!” button on the main screen. If you tap it, the events will pop up. For example, right now, you have a slim chance at earning Limited Edition cards simply by buying silver or gold packs, with a higher chance of earning them from gold packs than from silver packs (obviously). Check that button as you go for even more events which can earn you the rarest of rare cards.