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Reign of Dragons for iOS Evolution and Enhancement guide: How to enhance and evolve your cards

In Reign of Dragons for the various iOS devices, there are two different ways to power up your cards so that you can defeat bosses and other players more easily. One of them is enhancement, which allows you to sacrifice cards in order to power up one base card. The other is evolution, which can majorly power up a card, and even change its form. Both of them are necessary if you want to get far in this game, so read on for a guide on both enhancing and evolving your cards!

Enhancing your cards is a simple process. The enhance button will be in the lower right toolbar. Once you press it, you’ll be taken to a screen where you can choose a base card to enhance, and a mixer card (or multiple mixer cards) to sacrifice to power up the base card.

The higher the level of your mixer cards, the more effective an enhancement will be, and the higher the rarity of a mixer card, the more attack and defense the base card will get. However, it is recommended to enhance your rarest cards and to sacrifice the least rare cards so that your deck can be as powerful as absolutely possible at all times. In addition, for each mixer that is the same type as your base card (Genesis, Justice or Chaos), bonus experience will be given to your base card compared to cards of different types.

Evolving cards is fairly simply as well. What you do is, when you have multiple cards of the same type, go to the evolve menu. The only choices for base cards will be ones that have a duplicate available in your deck. Pick a base card, and then pick an identical mixer card. They will evolve into the next form of the same card. There are four total forms of each card that you can evolve them into. The first form will be regular, then +, then ++, then their name will change.

You can tell how evolved a card is by looking at the green dots in the lower right corner of the card. There will be between one and four filled in. Always pick the most evolved version as your base card. Once all four are filled in and the card is in its final form, the card will gain one star worth of rarity. Each evolution will lead to huge gains in attack and defense power and by the time a card is in its final form, it’s attack and defense will be roughly double what they were in the card’s base form.