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Guide to NFL All-Stars Collection for iOS: Tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies

NFL All-Stars Collection is a new collectible trading card game for the iPhone, iPod touch and other iOS compatible systems. Much like its predecessor MLB Stars Collection, this one lets you complete drills, games, trades and other assorted fun as you embark on your quest to building the best NFL team that you possibly can. Read on for tips and tricks for NFL All-Star Collection!

Immediately after you finish the tutorial, you will be rewarded with a massive amount of player pack points, enough to get 20 free cards. Use them right away, optimize your team and then the ones that didn’t make the cut, use them to enhance your rarest and strongest players to make it easy to beat other teams in games right from the get go.

Often when you are drilling you will come across multiples of the same common cards as bonuses. Even if the player is initially a weak player, combine the identical cards together so that the player has a breakthrough, or even multiple breakthroughs. This will power them up to such a degree that they could end up being on your optimized team, making your players more powerful

When you collect six medallions from a set, you can trade them in for a rare player card. You can find them by stealing them from other players after beating them in games, but you can find most of them from drills as well. Go for the drills first, then find what’s left to find in the games against other teams.

Participate in the limited time events as much as possible even if you need to take away from the time spent doing the drills in order to participate. Limited time events are one of your best opportunities to get rare cards and premium items, and other great bonuses.