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Guide to Bread Kittens for iOS, part 2: More tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the tips and tricks guide for Bread Kittens! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

When you are fighting battles in the coliseum, send in the kitten with the highest rarity and the highest stats, and equip them with the best bread that you have. Stop the meter in the gold every time, and the super attack bar will fill up faster. Use it as soon as it fills up in order to do the most damage possible. You don’t need to worry about their hit points, though, as they regenerate every time you fight a battle. Rack up the 2x RP boosts for the best and most frequent chances of winning.

Do the same thing, for that matter, in battle, especially against boss cats (minus the advice about the 2x RP). Wait until their hit points restore, or use the cat food bowls to restore them quickly, so that they are all at full strength by the time that you battle the boss cat. Also, every time that you bread a kitten, go to your cat list (the lower left icon with your cat party), check the stats of the new cat to see if it’s more powerful than the other cats in your current party. Switch out cats as often as you need to and don’t forget to equip the new cats with the bread that the old cats had.

Use the iPhone time trick as detailed in part 1 of this guide in order to get free spins at the Siamese Slots as well. After you use your spin(s), set the phone ahead 9 hours and you will get another free spin. Repeat this as many times as you want to.

Use the bakery as often as possible to ensure that you have a steady and large supply of capture bread. You never know when you are going to come across an uncommon or rare cat, and when you do, they have a much lower percentage chance of being captured by bread than the common or not uncommon cats do.