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Spartan Wars for iOS and Android: How to get more artifacts and how to get a Second City

If you have played Spartan Wars: Elite Edition or Empire of Honor (same game, different names) and paid any attention to the chat room that’s perpetually running, you have probably already noticed that these two questions are some of the most frequent ones that come up. You’ll also jump into the world map at times, and notice that more than one city will be owned by the same person. Well, now, the process to getting a second city will be demystified for you. Read on!

There are a few ways to get a second city. All of them involve finding an empty city plot. Tap on that and you will notice that you can either to a tactical teleport, or instant settle, or there will be a way to get there by using artifacts of pearls. You need either 100 artifacts to move into a second city, or 250 pearls.

One way to get into a second city aside from these two is to keep playing the chance chests every day. There is a very very slim chance that you will win a second city deed straight out.

Otherwise, you can buy one with pearls, but if you want to save your pearls, then the more prudent way to get one is to use 100 artifacts to get a second city. But getting artifacts is a whole other can of worms.

There are three ways to get more artifacts. One of the ways is to get some when you attack another city. You won’t get them all that often, and it’s more of a matter of luck than anything (and attacking and defeating higher powered players), but when it happens it happens and you get to pocket the winnings. In addition, you can get them from beating the mistycave or the fearless cave. The deeper that you go into the cave, the higher your chances of getting more artifacts.