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Injustice: Gods Among Us for Android and iOS: How to get more Power Credits and Energy

Injustice: Gods Among Us, also known as Injustice: The Mighty Among Us, is a new fighting game featuring all sorts of DC Comics superheroes and supervillains. They fight for either the Regime, which is a powerful coalition bent on preventing crime, the Insurgency, which is the big rebellion against the Regime, or for themselves (for neither side). Energy is expended every time you engage in battle, and Power Credits are the one currency in this game, and are used for buying more cards and for powering up the cards that you already have. Read on to find out how to get more of both!

The main way to get more power credits is simply to engage in more battles. You win power credits by winning battles, and if you lose a battle you won’t get any power credits. Of course, your cards will run out of energy after enough battles, so keep a stable of backup cards that you can swap in whenever your main ones run out of energy. And if they are weaker than your main cards, take them to battles that you have already beaten instead of new battles. The newer the battle, though, the more power credits that you will earn when you win it.

You can also buy power credits in the app store using real money by clicking on the plus sign that appears next to the credit counter. Once you click it you can spend anywhere between 99 cents and 100 dollars on power credits, depending on how serious you are about really wanting to get more powerful cards and whatnot.

The main way to get more energy is simply to wait for it to regenerate. Alternatively, if one of your cards gains a level, its energy will completely regenerate. However, there are far better and quicker ways to regenerate your energy.

To instantly get all of your energy back, simply go to the date and time settings for your device, and set the time ahead by a set amount, depending on how much you need to regain or want to regain. Then go back to the game and start playing again. Do this as many times as you need to and you will never run out of energy.