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How to play Injustice: Gods Among Us for iOS and Android: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Injustice: Gods Among Us, also known in some countries as Injustice: The Mighty Among Us! This fighting game/card battler hybrid exists in both console and mobile forms, but for the purposes of this guide we’ll be going over the version that’s out on iOS and Android. Whether you are a newbie at the game or just have some questions that you want answered, read on for the beginner’s walkthrough to the game.

When you first begin the game, you will be given a collection of three different cards to start out, and you earn cards later on as you play. The fighting is all done in teams of three, and you can swap characters at any point during a fight – unless, of course, one of your characters gets knocked out. If a character gets knocked out, he or she will immediately become useable again after the fight.

There are two basic types of attacks that you can use for each character – a weak attack and a strong attack. The weak attack is quicker, but less powerful, is activated with a tap, and you can use it in combos of up to 4 moves. At the end of the combo, you’ll be prompted to swipe in a random direction quickly, and if you hit it quickly enough, you’ll knock the opponent down. The other attack is a strong attack (a swipe to the left or to the right), which can be used in combos of 3. If you hit the third attack, regardless of whether the other 2 land, your opponent will be knocked down.

There’s also a range of special attacks that you can use. There are three tiers to them, with the first one being available right away, the second one being available when a character reaches level 5, and the third one becoming available after a character reaches level 20. The special attack meter, which is at the bottom of the screen during a fight, charges up every time you either hit an opponent, or get hit by an opponent.

More on special attacks and additional aspects of the game in part 2 of the Injustice beginner’s guide.