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Guide to Pirate Maidens for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Pirate Maidens is a new card battling game for the iOS. It plays much like most of the other Rage of Bahamut clones out there, but if you can get past the uber-sexualized anime drawings, it actually has a pretty interesting storyline to it. There are three pirate nations that have an uneasy true, which are Bellator, Sanctus and Maquina, which are the warrior, magic, and mechanical nations, respectively, and you can support whichever one you choose in the ongoing conflict, although you are a mercenary. Read on for some tips and tricks for Pirate Maidens!

You can actually change which nation that you support any time you want, and whenever you do, you have an all new set of quests to complete, and a new storyline. If you go back to your old nation, you can pick up right where you left off. Go to the menu and go to your profile, and tap on ‘change nation’ and pick whichever one you want. You can do this as many times as you choose.

As soon as you finish up with the tutorial, go to the menu tab, and go to “invite” and invite every single potential friend that you can find. Each of the friends that you add will earn you two stat points, so once you load up on stat points, apply them to your stamina to go longer in the quests without having to wait for a recharge, or apply them to your ATK and DEF to make better card teams.

You’ll earn a lot of Pixie cards as you go, and while they normally are best mostly for mixing in with other cards, some of them, such as the 3-star rare Pixie Archer cards, have a lot of attack and defense. So if they automatically get added to your attack and defense teams, then leave them there because they can sometimes be the best cards that you have.

If you are in a guild, increase your stamina points as high as possible when you add friends or gain levels. First, attack someone. Then, use the quests to level yourself up, so that your attack points will be restored instantly. Then attack someone else. Keep repeating and leveling as quickly as possible to get in as many attacks and earn as many brawl points as you can.