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Big Win MLB Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide, part 2

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Every so often, issues will come up with your players after a game. Sometimes, your players will end up with an injury after a game. This can be rectified by paying some coins to heal them. Other times, their contract will run out. To fix this, you need contract cards, which add a certain number of games to their contract. These can be applied by going to the My Team screen. If you don’t heal an injury or apply a contract, all of that player’s statistics will be cut in half until you do.

Once there, you can also apply stat cards (Big Boost cards), if you have them. Any player with an exclamation point by his name is eligible for a statistical upgrade. They can be applied to either the player’s run, arm, glove, power or contact – or for a pitcher, to their glove, fastball, offspeed, curveball or slider. There are two types of stat cards. Some of them will increase a statistic, while others will increase the maximum possible grade for that statistic.

All of these statistics will add together and then be averaged out (divided by 5) to equal the player score. All of the player scores added together, then averaged out (divided by 10) will equal out to your total team score. Increase your player scores individually to increase your team score, and do this by getting better cards.

To get more cards, click on “Get Packs!” to go to the card store. You can buy bronze packs and silver packs with coins, but everything else costs big bucks. You’ll get a variety of all of the cards mentioned above, plus uniform cards, which will allow you to change the uniforms that are worn by your team. Any card that you don’t want can be sold either immediately, or by clicking on the Coins menu.

Click here to continue on to part 3 of the Big Win MLB beginner’s guide!