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Ninja Striker! Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Ninja Striker! is a new iOS game which brings back the nostalgia of old 8-bit side scrolling platform games, by Rogue Ninja and Q-Cumber-Factory. Ninja Striker! brings back the background styles and textures of some of your old favorites, from Super Mario Bros to the Mega Man series, and mates it with a surprisingly unique style of gameplay in which you use a combination of ninja attacks to make it through the stages, collect gold and rack up your score, and defeat bosses. Read on for some tips and tricks for Ninja Striker!

You have two basic moves that you can do. One of them is the spin jump/attack, which you can do by tapping anywhere on the screen where there is no enemy. The other is a fast slashy attack, which you do when you tap on an enemy. You can only do two spin jumps in a row before you have to hit the ground or stick to a surface, but you can do as many of the fast slashes as you want.

Collect as much gold as you can because that not only increases your combo size, but the saved up gold that you collect will allow you to buy items which upgrade your statistics. Most of the available items cost way too much gold to collect without paying real life money, but the Straw Sandals and Woven Hat can be purchased cheaply and increase your overall life.

You can stick to any surface, no matter whether it’s the ceiling, the walls or the floor. Simply tap slightly past that surface to do a spin jump, and when your ninja hits the end of that surface, he will stick to it. Also, if you spin jump by tapping past an enemy, you’ll kill the enemy on the way to where you tapped.

When fighting the bosses, slow down and do your best to avoid their attacks. Tap once after their usual projectile attacks launch in order to avoid their attacks, and then tap again on the boss to speed slash them. Repeat this over and over and you will beat them fairly easily, usually. Beat the bosses to get as far as possible in Ninja Striker!