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Dungelot Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Dungelot is a smash hit roguelike for the iPhone, iPad, Android, and browsers, as well as countless other platforms (pretty much every platform that a free game can be released on). Dungelot is, in a sense, the Minesweeper of roguelikes as the gameplay is very similar. You tap on various forms of walls in order to break them and see what’s behind them, and then you fight monsters as you come across them. Your goal is to make it as far down in the dungeons as possible. Read on for some tips and tricks for Dungelot!

To get to the lower floor, you have to find the key in the floor that you are currently on, and then unlock the gate using the key. The key will be in the hands of the monsters, though. To get the key with as little pain as possible, first, pop every open wall that you can until everything else is blocked by a red X. Then fight the weakest monsters on the screen first.

Fight them one by one until you defeat the one that has the key. There is no rhyme or reason as to whether the most or least powerful monster (or somewhere in between) has the key. It’s entirely random. Once you defeat the monster who has the key, you can skip the entire rest of the stage and drop down to the next level or you can keep hunting so that you can find more treasures.

Treasures include magic spells which do high amounts of damage to monsters, enabling you to play longer while taking less damage, as well as better weapons and armor, and antidotes. Whenever you get poisoned by a monster, you lose one hit point per turn, so use the antidote as soon as possible to stop the loss of life.

Save up your coins too, because when you find a store in the game, it is VERY important to restore your life. Keep your life restored no matter what, as you don’t know when the next store will pop up, and when your life runs out, you have to start the whole thing over again.