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Fast and Furious 6: The Game – How to get more Gold and Coins

Fast and Furious 6: The Game is a, iOS and Android racing and drifting game with similar gameplay mechanics as CSR Racing, with the cars, characters and missions from the Fast and the Furious series, especially the latest installment. Gold is the premium currency in the game, and you can use it to buy premium cars and various upgrades, such as performance and style enhancements. Coins can be used to purchase the same things, for the most part, but the good stuff is saved for gold. Read on to find out how to get more of both of them!

You can get free gold by gaining experience levels. Once you gain a level, you’ll get one free gold as a bonus. In addition, you can also get free gold as a bonus for finishing a region of the game (such as the southwest).

Other than that, though, you have to buy the gold through the app store. You can get to the gold buying menu by hitting the plus sign next to the gold and coins counter, or by trying to buy an item that you can’t afford.

Getting more coins is done by how you perform in a race or in a drifting battle. You’ll get coins for each perfect launch or perfect shift that you get. Great and good launches and shifts will earn you coins as well, but not as many as perfect ones. In drifting battles, you’ll earn coins for how well you enter a drift (perfect, great or good), with the same rules applying.

You’ll earn a certain payday if you complete a stage successfully – the total is listed on the stage select screen beforehand. This, plus the performance bonuses, will equal your total cut of the job. The story-related jobs are easily the ones that will earn you the most coins.

In addition, almost every style upgrade that you can buy will earn you coins for having it. These include spoilers, decals, neon underglow lights and rims, but not paint jobs. In the store it will show how much each one will earn you as a bonus. They help the most when you are grinding for coins to try to get an upgrade, losing stages because your car isn’t fast enough to win yet but you can’t afford more upgrades.