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Dead Ahead (iOS): How to get more bikes, weapons and locations.

In Dead Ahead for the iOS platform, your goal is to run away from zombies on various bikes, from mopeds to dirt bikes to full fledged motorcycles. You’ll shoot them as you go using different guns that you can unlock. You start off with one location in which to do this, but there are many more locations that you can unlock as you play. Read on to find out how to get more locations, more bikes and more weapons!

There is one way to get more locations. You can’t buy more locations, you can only get them by increasing your rank, which you can do by completing the three objectives per rank. The objectives must be completed in one round – they can’t be done over multiple rounds. For example, if your objective is to shoot 20 zombies with a pistol, you have to do all of the shooting in one single round.

Increasing your rank will also unlock the ability to purchase more bikes, and to purchase more weapons. However, just because you have unlocked them doesn’t mean they are readily available to you – you need to actually buy them using the coins that you earn from each round that you play.

There are two ways to upgrade your bikes. One of them is to go to a bike that you already own in the Garage area and hit “upgrade”. Doing this will leave you with a better and more powerful version of the same bike, with more speed, mass and better control. Or, you can buy an all new bike with no upgrades (but better stats than your old bike). You can upgrade that new bike later on too, as you see fit. The best bike, the Prototype XR8, costs real money in the app store, but it’s by far the fastest and toughest in the game.

There is no upgrading pre-existing guns. You can only buy new guns under the “weapons” menu in the store. Luckily, guns are much cheaper to buy than the bikes are. There are also premium guns that you can buy (Betty the Boomer, and Vera the Shooter), which cost real money via the app store, but they also remove the ads from the game and have better stats than any of the guns that you can buy using coins.