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MetalStorm: Aces Tips and Tricks Guide – Hints, Cheats and Strategies

MetalStorm: Aces is the sequel to the critically acclaimed MetalStorm, which you may recognize by being the game that is usually used on demo iPads in stores due to the advanced, almost PS3-quality graphics. Your goal is to get revenge on the Aces, who have trained you, but then turned against you and your crew and decimated them. It can be an extremely tough game right from the outset, but with some tips and tricks, you’ll be set off in the right direction.

Getting hit with missiles is one of the fastest ways to lose, especially when you’re in a tough fight against a boss character. Avoiding missiles can be done a few ways. Use the various forms of aerial acrobatics except for the Immelmann to avoid missiles. When you get an incoming missile notification, start spamming the barrel rolls, especially. Unless it’s coming from the side. Then speed up and take off straight.

Upgrade your engines to make your aerobatics even more effective. And being as your missiles will usually be your top weapon, upgrade your missiles and your targeting. Upgrading the missiles will increase the damage, lock zone, lock time and reload time while upgrading your targeting will give you a bigger circle to work with, meaning that it’s far easier to lock on and track another plane.

With those upgrades in mind, once you lock onto an enemy, unload missiles at the highest speed possible. This is the easy way to do it. The hard way, but potentially the more rewarding way, is to load up on upgrades for your cannon and engines, so that you can tail enemy fighters and gun them down. If you can nail this, then you will rarely have to worry about missiles because when you’re in close combat, you will be impossible to lock on to.

A fairly easy way to win in versus mode is to do one of two things. Speed far away, then pull an Immelmann turn to quickly target your rival and fire a huge barrage of missiles at them. If they try to do the same thing to you, flip the script and keep close to them, targeting them with your guns so that they don’t get a chance to use the missiles against you.