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Iron Force Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Cheats, Hints and Strategies

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Before you spend your hard earned funds on buying power ups, it’s good to know what exactly the power ups do when you get them. The gun barrel upgrade will increase the power of each of your shots. Upgrading the stabilized sight system will allow your crosshairs to automatically aim on the enemy throughout a much higher range, especially when moving. Upgrading your Ceramic Tile Armor will allow you to take more hits before your tank blows up. Upgrading the Turbo Power Turbine will increase the movement speed of your tank, while upgrading the Tracks (Pressure Control System) will upgrade the handling of your tank, allowing you to make tighter turns.

The older that this game gets, the more powerful the players get, meaning that it’s a lot more common to lose massively during a round now. Upgrading your tank will fix this, but also, after you upgrade, if you want to win more games, stick to the Desert battle for round, because it’s more likely to be filled with lower level players. The Townlet is unlocked at level 6, the Harbor at level 9, and the Island at level 12, and the higher the unlock level, the more likely it is to be filled with powerful players.

If you’re sick of free for all mode, play in team mode, as sometimes, depending on if you and your teammate can coordinate attacks well, it can be easier to win in this mode. You and your teammate should gang up on one tank at a time. Follow each other around, almost like a Rainbow Six type of game, and fire on the same tank at the same time.

For extra rewards, join up with a legion, and then pick a tournament to join. Try to pick a tournament that a lot of your fellow legion members participate in, which will make it easier to rack up points. If you run the legion, you can send the global chat to try to coordinate legion invasions with your friends.

Look out for some areas in stages where you can shoot people through a wall. There aren’t many of these areas, but if you find one, memorize it because it will provide a way to get some easy kills. To shoot through a wall, go right up to the wall and aim at the tank statistics, then wait for the target to appear. Then, shoot. Trial and error is the only way to figure out if you find a wall you can shoot through.