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Plants vs Zombies 2: All Zombies Guide, Part 2

Welcome to part two of the Plants vs Zombies 2 All Zombies Guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

The Pirate Zombie, Conehead Pirate, Buckethead Pirate and Flag Pirate are the exact same as all of the other four zombies like this, just with different graphics. The Swashbuckler Zombie has low to medium energy and speed, but can swing in and over some of your plants, appearing up to 4 rows deep, so have your back row loaded.

Seagull Zombies can be killed in one shot with the Kernelpult, but they are immune to Iceberg Lettuce or to Spikeweeds. Barrel Roller Zombies have high defense, and after you destroy their barrel, they become the same as a normal pirate, but they release Imp Pirate Zombies. Imp Cannons will launch Imp Pirate Zombies at you, and will self-destruct into more Imp Pirates if they aren’t killed, so kill them fast with some plant food. Imp Pirates are extremely fast, so block them using wall or tall nuts, or freeze them with Icebergs.

Pirate Captain Zombies are useless aside from letting out the Parrot Zombie, and are easy to kill. The Parrot Zombie should be killed quickly with plant food or with a long line of attackers, or else he’ll start stealing your plants.

Cowboy Zombies, Coneheads and Buckethead Cowboys, and Flag Cowboys, are the same old same old. Prospector Zombies will launch themselves deep into your stage with dynamite, but the dynamite can be defeated with Icebergs. Pianists will cause other zombies to dance from lane to lane, but are easy prey to Potato Mines or Spikeweeds. Poncho Zombies are either the same as regular zombies, or are heavily armored like Bucketheads (random).

Zombie Chickens are super fast, but weak. Block them with nuts or kill them rapidly with Lightning Reed or Plant Food, or stick a nut in front of it and a Bonk Choy behind it, but Spikeweeds and Icebergs do nothing to them. Zombie Bulls will try to ram your front plants and launch their riders at you, then disappear. Damage them enough and they turn into robots before they die. Putting a wall-nut or tall-nut in front of it will block the Rider after its launched. Zombie Bull Riders are extremely fast, so kill them rapidly with something like Bonk Choy.

Click here for part three of the All Zombies Guide for Plants vs Zombies 2 – How to beat the Yeti Zombie and Dr. Zomboss!