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CastleVille Legends Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

CastleVille Legends is essentially what would happen if the game CastleVille, one of the last of the smash hit Ville games for Facebook, was combined with Hay Day or Farm Story 2, two of the most popular social-farming games for the iOS platform. CastleVille Legends is the sequel, and it has many similarities with the Facebook game that spawned it, but many differences as well. Read on for the beginner’s guide to the newest entry in the CastleVille Series, CastleVille Legends!

CastleVille Legends starts off in much the same way as the previous one did. Your original “farming” consists of the two apple trees that grow in your kingdom. First, you collect water from the pond or from the stream, then tap on the apple trees and drag the water onto them, and they will grow apples. As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock other crops, such as oats and corn.

Next come the animals that you have to feed. First, you unlock a cow pasture, then chickens, sheep, bees, and so on and so forth. The animals feed on the crops that you pick from the farming areas, and then produce their own resources, such as milk or eggs. You can find both the plants and the animals in the “Resources” tab in the store.

Next, come the crafting buildings. Your first one is the woodshop, which allows you to trade wood for torches, axes and other goods. Others include the trail kitchen and the dairy barn, which allow you to trade plant- and animal-based resources for goods.

All of these crafted products go towards completing quests. You’ll have a number of quests given to you by the various characters in the game, such as the wizard and the lumberjack to start out with, and then other characters as you progress through the game. Your quests are the main way to earn experience points, and are one of the ways to earn coins. As you earn more experience points, you’ll gain levels, and as you gain levels, you’ll unlock new resources and crafting buildings, as well as the ability to build multiples of the same building.

Click here for part two of the CastleVille Legends walkthrough!