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FIFA 14 (iOS/Android) Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2 – More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part two of the FIFA 14 (iOS and Android version) tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide.

Building up a strong team is done by substituting out the bronze cards with silver, gold, and special cards, but card packs can be VERY expensive and often they don’t provide good player cards. Instead, use the Transfer system when you earn enough coins to buy a good card. Your best bet is to go there and put in the maximum “buy it now” price as somewhere between 800 and 1,000 coins (for cheap gold cards), and then hunt around the results pages until you get to gold cards (there are still lots of bronze and silver cards at that price range).

Even better, you can kill two birds with one stone by narrowing down your search by position and nationality. Make note of which positions you want to improve at, and what nationality you want to pursue, and in the Transfer area, after setting the buy it now price, set the nationalities and positions to how you want them to be, then hit search. If you aren’t finding any gold cards that way, set the buy it now price slightly higher.

Even still, though, card packs are still useful to buy. Card packs will come packed with contract cards, fitness cards, and training cards, which can be used to keep players at full health, signed to your team for more games, and to increase their statistics. Bronze cards are just fine for this, usually, but going for at least a silver card pack will help out far more once your entire team is full of gold players.

An easy way to rack up coins is to play quick matches, start off in beginner difficulty, and then tear apart other teams. You can earn 500-600 coins per game if you dominate them, and domination is easy because defenders have no clue what they are doing in beginner mode. As you power up your team, ratchet up the difficulty a bit in order to increase your per-game coin multiplier (it’s higher when the difficulty is higher).

The skill button (in the classic control mode) is one of the toughest parts of the game to master. When you press the button you start off in the center square, and you have 8 other squares that you can move around (like a tic tac toe board), and you execute a different skill depending on which square or squares you move to. Most of them are good for juking defenders and making them run the wrong direction.

Click here to go to part three of the FIFA 14 (iOS and Android version) tips and tricks guide!