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Pocket Mine: Top 10 Tips and Cheats to Dig Deeper and Get Rich

Anybody who ever grew up on Dig Dug, or who played one of the more recent versions, should most definitely find Pocket Mine to be worth a try. This iOS and Android speed-digging game gives you a fragile pick, a fast screen and a whole lot of stuff to dig up in a little bit of time. Luckily, though, you get three booster cards per round, but even that doesn’t make the game any less challenging. Read on for the top ten tips and tricks for Pocket Mine!

10) Keep upgrading your pick to go farther.
Each time that you upgrade your pick, you’ll be able to go further, which will enable you to earn even more cash. That will make the cash expenditure that much more worth it – and plus, you’ll just plain be able to get more out of the energy that you spend on a round.

9) Get every crate that you can in order to collect artifacts.
Putting collections of artifacts together is a great way to earn some rare, mythical or even legendary cards. The bronze star requires one item each, the silver star requires three, and the gold star requires five of each item. The higher the star level, the better the card that you will end up with.

8) Trade artifacts with your friends via Facebook.
If you connect to Facebook and you have other friends who play the game, you will be able to trade artifacts in order to get desired artifact combinations. If you don’t have any friends who play it, then you can add people who do (find them on the App Store reviews, Facebook pages for the game or on the comments page for this article) and trade with them.

7) Collect chests, then complete in-game quests in order to earn free keys.
You can get wooden chests, iron chests, gold chests and diamond chests, each of which costs different amounts of keys to open. The more keys you have to pay, the better the reward will be. Depending on the chest, it can be anything from cash to rubies to rare, mythical and even legendary cards. A different quest will be required for each stage, and each time you beat a quest, you will get two free keys.

6) Every time that you get a new card, go back to the card combining menu to see if you can combine it.
You can combine duplicate cards together in order to maximize the effect of every card. You can’t spin duplicate cards as boosts, so you might as well combine them. Go to the card screen and the fuseable cards will appear above every other card, and fusing each card costs very little cash.

Click here for the top 5 tips and tricks for Pocket Mine!