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Batman: Arkham Origins (iOS/Android) Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

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After you do the trick to set the time ahead in the game, you can set the time back to normal any time that you want to, and you’ll still keep all of your energy when you go back to the game, and the energy will start recharging just as usual. However, many of the best missions in the game are timed, so keep an eye on them so that you don’t run the missions out of time before you get the chance to play them.

Certain special attacks and defensive maneuvers require you to swipe to one side over and over, such as Batman’s Escalating Justice attack, or when you defend against Copperhead’s special attack. Swipe side to side with more than one finger (for example, alternate your index fingers) for quicker swiping, which makes for stronger attacks and more successful defenses.

Use the same trick when you have to tap in certain places to stop an attack or to pull off a special attack. Tap with more than one finger so that you can tap far more quickly. Same trick works for when you have to tap rapidly to get out of being stunned by an enemy attack. Tap rapidly with multiple fingers in order to get out of the stun far more quickly.

Many battles will be against multiple enemies, and some enemies will be weaker and easier to defeat than others. Learn to recognize which common types of enemies are weak and which ones are strong, and save your special attacks for when you fight the stronger enemy (especially the assassins). Then, let them all out at once for a (usually) quick an easy victory. However, if victory is still elusive, start saving up for a new batsuit.

Use the healing move as often as possible, though, even if your health isn’t all that low. If you are fighting against a large range of villains, use it when one of the weaker villains comes on screen. Otherwise, use it as soon as you get the chance to. Keep it upgraded as much as possible in order to regain the maximum amount of health each time that you use it.

Click here to continue on to part 3 of the Batman: Arkham Origins tips and tricks guide!