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Batman: Arkham Origins (iOS/Android) Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 3: Even More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

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Later on, you will unlock the Dark Knight special attack, which is the fourth special attack to be enabled in the guarded stance. Every time that you use the Dark Knight attack, your healing move will instantly be ready to use again. Stack the two by healing, then using Dark Knight, then immediately healing again, for a huge health boost when you begin to get low on health.

Also, some attacks, such as the old Escalating Justice and Steadfast Strike, will give you a statistical boost each time that you use them. Escalating Justice will increase attack by 5 percent every time, while Steadfast Strike will increase defense by 5 percent, and they can be stacked up to 5 times each. Use both of these for HUGE boosts in battle.

Taking into account the use of these strategies, when you feel confident that you can win all of your fights without buying more upgrades, then do just that so that you can rack up the Upgrade points. Then, when you get to the current stage’s boss character (such as Copperhead in the Docks), beat them, since when you beat a boss character, you unlock multiple new uniforms for Batman, all of which will be extremely expensive. That stash of Upgrade points that you saved up will come in handy for being able to instantly purchase that new uniform.

Martial Law and the Gauntlet are the two most powerful special attacks in the whole game, but as you advance in the game, enemies will block them almost every time. Prevent them from being blocked by using the Batswarm attack first, because the Batswarm will prevent the enemy from defending for enough seconds to rattle off both of the special attacks.

Another way to stop enemies from counterattacking or from blocking is to stop, switch to guarded, then hit block and let them attack you. Immediately after they attack you, start attacking them. If you use a combo attack, then the combo will go unblocked, and if you start using special attacks, then you can chain a huge number of them together for massive damage.

Once you unlock the Master Combatant attack, upgrade it and each time you use a special, you have a chance of immediately regenerating that special attack that you just used. Smart use of this, and upgrading it as high as you can, will make you nearly unstoppable because you can chain such gigantic combinations together.