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Star Wars Force Collection: How to enhance and evolve your cards

Star Wars Force Collection is the official card battling game of the Star Wars franchise, and with the release of Tiny Death Star and the Angry Birds Star Wars sequel, this game has been getting a lot more traffic and attention as of late. Like many card battling games, you can enhance and evolve your cards as you go in order to power them up and increase your chances of winning battles, both against bosses and against other players and their formations. Strategy is required in order to know how to best use evolution and enhancement, though. Read on to find out how!

Enhancing your cards is one of the most effective ways to power up your troops. To enhance your cards, reach level five, then go to the menu screen. The new ‘enhance’ option will now be opened up. From here, pick a card that you want to enhance. Surprisingly, you won’t need to sacrifice any of your cards to perform the enhancement. You will just need to spend credits in order to do so.

Evolution is unlocked at level 8, and can be found in the ‘evolve’ tab in the menu screen. To evolve a card, you need to have two of the same card. You are going to have to pick one base card and one sacrifice card. When you evolve, the base card will gain one evolution level, and the sacrifice card will disappear entirely. Each card can be evolved up to three times, and when it hits it’s fourth level of evolution, it will gain a star in rarity.

Evolution is best used on two cards that are still at level one. Stat gains from evolution are already fairly marginal, while stat gains from enhancement are fairly significant. If you evolve cards after they have been enhanced, they will lose almost all of the extra stat boosts that we’re gained by enhancing.

However, try to catch card duplicates and evolve them before you get into enhancing. You can’t use two of the same card in the same formation, so evolving your cards will provide the extra boost in power, with no credit costs. Plus, stat gains will happen much more quickly when you enhance a card that has already been evolved at least once, compared with a card that has not been evolved at all.