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Castle Clash – Attack Guide, Part 3

Welcome to part three of the Castle Clash attack guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide.

There are a number of other types of troops to unlocking the training center as well. The Griffin is your first flying troop, and is unlocked when you upgrade your Pyromancer to level five. It’s hit points are relatively low but it does a massive amount of damage, and takes up three army slot. Griffins are most effective against heavy armor. Mecha Man is heavily armored and is unlocked by upgrading your Treant to level five. Mecha Man has loads of hit points, takes up loads of housing spaces, and does a small amount of damage to anything except for walls and defensive towers; it will do 250% damage to walls and watchtowers.

Train your Hammer Dwarf to level five to unlock the Savage Ogre. The Savage Ogre has high hit point totals and moves very quickly, and is heavily armored, while doing a medium amount of damage. The Shotgun Dwarf has a slow movement speed, does long-range damage, does a lot of damage, and has a lot of hit points. The Shotgun Dwarf is unlocked by training your Centaur to level five. Unlock the Fairy Dragon by training your Griffin to level five.

The Fairy Dragon has low health, is lightly armored, flies, and does a massive amount of damage; more than any other troop in the game. The final troop type is the Ornithopter, which is unlocked by upgrading your Mecha Man to level 5. The Ornithopter takes up 12 housing spaces, has over 12,000 health points, and targets defense of buildings and waffles, doing great amounts of damage to them.

There are too many different hero types in order to list them all, but a common thread is that most humans are simply more powerful versions of different army troop type. Search through The “higher with shards” menu in the heroes alter in order to take a look at all of your potential heroes. Your heroes are organized into four different categories: Sacrifice, which is only used to level other heroes. Ordinary, which is the most common hero type. Delete, which is more rare and more expensive but more powerful. Finally, legend hero types are the most powerful, the most expensive, and the most rare.

You can build more hero camps by upgrading your Townhall has high as you can. Having more heroes will give you a huge edge in battles, even against players who have bigger armies than you. With the right amount of heroes, you should be able to cruise through many dungeons easily.