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Clumsy Ninja – Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 3: Even More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part three of the Clumsy Ninja tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part two of the guide.

When you hit level sixteen, you will unlock the Hills area, and when you hit level 36, you will unlock the Temple area. These are essentially reskinned versions of the Town area that you start off in; however, there are different background elements that you can interact with. For example, in the Hills area, you can use tapping to spin the water mill’s wheel.

You can earn some experience points without using any training implements at all, just by screwing around with your ninja. For example, try picking him up by one arm and swinging him in circles. Or try picking him up by both arms or both legs (using two different fingers). Tap on the screen to punch him in the stomach over and over and you can earn some experience that way, too.

After enough of doing this, you will stop earning experience points for this (for awhile), but you will still see the blue sparks come out of your ninja every so often. When the blue sparks pop out, that means the ninja’s reflexes are improving, so even though you don’t see any experience points or specific skill gains, you will still be able to see a difference in how he reacts to your inputs.

The further that you get into the game, the more coins everything will cost, and the increases come extremely quickly. Save up your coins as you go so that you can have a stockpile, because you will need to save up in order to buy the implements that you need, in order to continue completing your quests.

Make sure that your notifications are turned on for the game, because sometimes, your character will tap into one of the unlocked potions all on his own. Then, when you go back to the game, he’ll be showing the effects of the potion. After the effects wear off, you’ll earn the same experience points as if you used the potions on him yourself. You won’t lose any potions or be charged any coins for it, though.