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Clumsy Ninja: FAQ, Walkthrough, Wiki and Beginner’s Guide, Part 2

Welcome to part two of the Clumsy Ninja beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

To progress in the game, you have to gain experience levels and complete the quests. Experience levels are gained when your experience bar increases to the maximum. You can find that in the upper left corner of the screen. Quests are found inside the book icon in the lower left corner of the screen. As you complete the quests, you will get closer and closer to finding Kira, the ninja who has been mysteriously kidnapped.

Tap around to various parts of the town in order to find other useful areas. Tap the signpost in the center of the area to go to either the town (unlocked at level 16) or the temple (unlocked at level 36). Tap the big picture of the sensei on the side of the dojo to see the “path of the ninja”, which shows you what belt you earn and what new goods you unlock with every level. Tap the small picture on the side of the dojo to see an animation that tells the story of Kira.

Cooldown times can be reduced on anything that you use by either sending a tweet or watching a video (whichever the game offers you at the time). Only one video or one tweet is needed for any one of the implements, no matter how advanced the implement or how long the cooldown time is. You can also use gems (premium currency of the game) to speed up the cooldown time, or to buy an item that you haven’t unlocked yet.

Plus, go to the dojo area and you can find other good stuff. The big brown box is where you can change your clothing, as well as buy new clothing. All of your friends and plants can be collected from around this area.

Also, try interacting with the backgrounds, especially the hills and other ones as you unlock them. Throw your ninja at the ropes above the stalls in the town area and he will hang on. Tap on the water mill in the hills area to spin it faster, stop it, or reverse its direction. Keep trying various things to discover all sorts of random fun.

That’s about it for Clumsy Ninja! Enjoy the game!