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Lawless (Mobage) Tips and Tricks Guide – Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Lawless is a new game by DeNA/Mobage for the iPhone and iPad. It plays a little bit like a gangster-centered version of Time Crisis, with you controlling a gang, and after just having got out of jail, you decide that you will do whatever it takes to not go back, which obviously includes shooting everyone and everything in sight. Your goal is to grow your little gang into a big mob, collect cash, CrimeCoins and gold. The missions start off difficult and only get worse. Read on for some tips and tricks for Lawless!

On each stage, you can earn up to three stars. You earn the same amount of cash every time, but you will earn more gold and more free guns when you get more stars. Maximize your score by getting as many quick kills (kill the enemy right after they appear), multi kills, score multipliers and moving target kills as possible, while avoiding all civilians.

You tap on the enemies on the screen to shoot them, but a much easier way to play is to tap on the bottom of the screen, but lined up with where the enemy is on the vertical axis. Doing this will automatically aim the gun at the enemy perfectly, making it far easier to kill them. You’ll even be more likely to get head shots this way.

You have a wide variety of guns that you can use in the game, but the best weapons to use are high-damage pistols and military-style rifles. Submachine guns are woefully inaccurate and don’t do much damage, while shotguns will cause too many collateral civilian deaths. Rifles and pistols are far easier to aim, as well as easier to make all of the necessary special kills with.

Having a hard time on a stage? Go back to a stage that you can do a three-star score on, and play over and over to earn more cash. Plow that cash into upgrading your guns, and buying new guns. If there are stages that you haven’t score three stars on yet, replay them and get that three-star score.

Sell all those extra guns that you don’t want. Try to keep a few extras around just in case you come across a stage with a specific gun requirement, but otherwise, use all of that extra cash to upgrade your favorite gun or guns. Then, upgrade to its maximum level. Use your gold to then upgrade it.

Add the highest level allies that you can so that you can take them on missions with you. If your friends add you as an ally, they will then be able to select you and take you on missions as well. Allies cost less cash than strangers to take on missions.