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Heroes of Dragon Age: Guide to consuming, combining and runes

Heroes of Dragon Age isn’t a true card battler, but it plays like one, so naturally, there are ways to enhance and evolve your heroes. You’ll need to make the best out of what the game offers to you, as well, because the battles get tougher VERY quickly in this game. With smart enhancement, though, you’ll be on the right track very quickly. Read on for a guide on consuming and combining your heroes and how to use your runes!

Consuming is a good way to level up one card at a time. More importantly, though, it also allows you to upgrade your heroes’ chances at a 2x critical hit. Before doing any consuming, your heroes have almost NO chance at a critical hit, but the more you consume the more you level up the chances. The way to consume is to pick one gaining card, and up to six sacrifice cards. It costs nothing to consume, but your sacrifice cards will disappear. Your gaining card will earn experience points and increase its 2x hit chance bar.

In general, though, enhancing your cards is done far more efficiently by using them in battle and leveling them up, since you’ll gain experience for all of the cards that you use in battle. Winning battles will earn far more experience than losing battle, so start doing the card consumption after you have expended all of your energy and stamina. Unless, of course, you’re stuck on tough battles and you need to consume in order to get by.

Combining cards allows you to take two identical cards and put them together to make a higher tier card – for example, if you combine two Bear cards together, they will become a Bear II. Combine a Bear II with a Bear and it will turn into a Bear III. Combine that with a Bear and it will turn into a Bear IV. Its attack and health will increase dramatically, making it more powerful than even some higher-rarity cards, and increasing its maximum experience level. Plus, if your sacrifice card is a higher tier, you will earn an extra experience bonus (for example, combining a Bear II with another Bear II)

Runes are all time-sensitive. They usually last for only five minutes, but some of them last for fifteen minutes or longer, and you can equip two at a time. When you equip them, they will affect your entire battle party. Most of them will boost a statistic, such as attack or health; others, however, will boost your post-battle earnings, such as gold or experience points, so use them at different times depending on your needs. Benefits can be anything from an increase in speed, to making your troops more likely to attack enemies of a certain speed or other trait first.