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Band Stars – Top 12 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

Band Stars started off on Facebook and Google+, and is now one of the most popular games on the iOS and Android platforms! Your goal is to start a band, write all kinds of songs, and then build your band from a local nobody to a global sensation gradually. You’ll record songs, manage and upgrade your band members, and even upgrade your instruments. Read on for the top twelve tips and tricks for Band Stars!

12) Use your Inspirado to write the best songs that you can.
Inspirado is used to play solos during recording. You can get more Inspirado quickly by having your band members do free jams when you aren’t in the middle of recording, and when you have some leftover energy to spare. Save it up so that you can use it for solos in the middle of recording.

11) Have every band member play a solo in the same song to send it skyrocketing up the charts.
The more solos you play, the farther up the charts you go, and as you go farther up the charts, your income will skyrocket exponentially. A song with solos from every band member can earn you more than 5 songs played without solos, so inspirado is extremely important!

10) Find a perfect match of music and lyrics to improve every other statistic of your song.
You can play all of the solos that you want, but you will have a very tough time going as high up the charts as you want to unless you get a perfect match of music and lyrics. Some lyrical topics and music styles are very easy to match; others, not so much.

9) Want to erase an imperfect match before you record a song? Cheat!
Shut the app off after you pick the music and lyrics (or shut the browser window if you are playing on Facebook) in order to reverse the pick. Reopen the app and then you’ll be right where you were before you began recording. Once you are back there, you can hit record again, and pick music and lyrics again. This cheat can be done as many times as you want.

8) Don’t waste coins. Make sure that you have everything you need before you recruit new band members.
You’ll need far more than just the coins to put the ad out. You will also need to have enough coins to hire the new band members, which costs FAR more than the audition does. Plus, you will need a VIP room, which can only be purchased using energy drinks, if your main room is full. Tl;dr: have enough coins and energy drinks so that you don’t waste money.

7) Want to change instruments in order to complete a challenge? Start picking different genres of music until you find one that uses that instruments that you want.
Do this, and if you are afraid of your band members running out of energy, then do the same trick that you did with the music and lyrics matches – if the song doesn’t have the right instrument, then cut the game off, and then restart the app after you do that. Or, just keep recording and recording over and over, so that you can have as many songs as you can.

Click here for part two of the Band Stars top twelve tips and tricks!