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Brave Frontier – Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 3 – Even More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part three of the tips and tricks guide for Brave Frontier! Click here to go back to part two of the guide.

Arena battles in Brave Frontier are generally easy to beat, because they are easy to cheat. Once you hit the Enter button, if you hit the back button, you’ll be able to hit Enter again and a different rival player will pop up. This doesn’t use up any of your Arena Orbs. Generally, the rival player will be picked based on the Arena Battle Points (ABP) that you earn, but sometimes, massive mismatches will show up. Play against lower leveled players for easy wins (although tougher players will earn you more ABP).

Look for different Vortex Gates based on what you want to earn. The Monday battles (Congregation of Souls) will earn you loads of Karma. Tuesday battles (Enchanted Paradise) consist of basic evolution materials (nymphs, idols and spirits). Wednesday battles, Cave of Desires, consist of mimics (medium evolution materials). Thursday battles (Order of the Gods) consist of Totems (four star evolution materials). Friday battles earn you more experience and crafting materials, while weekend battles in The Golden Vault earn large quantities of Zel. Of course, you have to win to keep your earnings.

It’s easy to forget about the town when you get wrapped up in all of these battles, but keep your town upgraded and collected-from, and use your synthesis area to get healing items, especially cures, for when you need them the most. Load up on as many cures as possible, because the craft materials drop everywhere (Green Drop and Green Grass).

Look for bonuses to unlock as you gain experience. Your max energy will gradually increase, and when it hits 20, you will be able to play the most expensive Vortex Gate levels. Also, once you hit level 10, you will unlock the Music House in the town, which will enable you to buy various songs from the soundtrack for Zel.

Jewel Ghosts, Kings and Gods, and Metal Ghosts, Kings and Gods, are often used as giveaways in events. Jewel units should all be sold for Zel, because they will earn huge amounts of it. Metal units should all be used as fusion fodder, because they will provide loads of experience points. Any other unit that is max leveled when you earn it (nymphs, etc) should be kept around for evolving in the future.

Check your news for events as well – not all of the event rewards are merely relegated to the Vortex Gates. Some of them require you to do some strange, out-of-left-field stuff, such as posting on the Facebook page for Brave Frontier, but they can earn you surprise rewards, including rare units.