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Ted Ginn Kick Return – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Ted Ginn: Kick Return is a classic iOS minigame featuring Carolina Panthers kick returner Ted Ginn Jr, plus a whole host of fake players and teams. Your goal is to draw a line to set a return route, then try to run your return all the way back for a touchdown, progressing from league to league and beating every team that you can. Read on for some tips and tricks for Ted Ginn: Kick Return!

You don’t need to draw a full line in order to make a run. In fact, sometimes it’s a better idea not to draw a full line. After your returner runs out the line’s whole path, he’ll just take off straight upward until he gets further directions. When he’s running “off the line” so to speak, he’ll run faster and build up more momentum, making it far easier to stiff-arm and juke defenders.

Run behind your blockers to the highest degree necessary, but also, keep on the lookout for unbalanced sides on the defense. If you notice a low number of defenders on one particular side, work that side and try to send your kicker over there.

It’s far easier to get a field goal than a touchdown, and whenever you get either one, you’ll add seconds to the timer. An easier way to win tough stages is to go for the field goals, rather than the touchdowns, which usually simply involves sending your kicker down the middle of all of the blockers.

To build up money quickly so that you can buy better equipment and free agents, win two stages of the current tournament. Then on the third stage, score a touchdown or two, but lose intentionally. You’ll be able to rack up the winning bonuses from the first two stages over and over, depending on how often you do this.

Want to earn coins extremely quickly? Go to the option menu and review Ted Ginn: Kick Return on the App Store (or just tap the review button and then go back to the app). Then look for redeem codes, because each one will earn you a large sum of cash.

Click here to continue on to part two of the Ted Ginn: Kick Return tips and tricks guide!