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Defenders & Dragons – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Defenders & Dragons is a new tower defense game for the iOS platform. Your goal in this is to destroy either all of the enemy troops, or all of the enemy towers for each stage, by any means possible, whether by your own hero’s attacks or by flooding the enemy with all kinds of troops. You play as one of the troops from the 3 worlds, and your goal is to fight back against the evil Balewyrm. Read on for some tips and tricks for Defenders & Dragons!

As stated above, you can either rely upon your troops or rely mostly upon your hero. Your best strategy is to use both your hero and your troops. Stay back and build up leadership points for awhile, then send in a flood of troops, and slowly march your hero forward to attack along with them, using their special moves to help out your troops and keep them from dying.

Your hero can attack slightly faster if you tap to either side right after every attack. Each attack has a warm up and a cool down, and moving slightly to the side will skip the cool down move entirely, allowing you to attack even faster. This goes for both the melee attack and the ranged attack.

Different heroes and troops have different strengths. If you are having trouble on a wave, change up your strategy – for example, send in a hero with a stronger range attack and send in more elven archers when there are more flying enemies. For lots of ground enemies, send in the broom peasants and other melee-centered heroes, and send in a hero with a very strong melee attack, such as the ranger.

Running out of gems, or want to buy some specialties that you can only buy using gems? Go to the store area and watch as many free videos, or complete as many free offers, as you can. You earn gems very slowly, but as they add up over time, it becomes worth it.

You have to collect the coins and the souls in the battle, or else they won’t show up in your collection – you’ll just earn the end-of-the-round bonus instead, so make sure that you pick up everythign that drops. Sometimes, even good such as gems drop in battle.