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Clear Vision 3 – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 3

After you beat every stage in Royal Hills, which is the fourth area of the game, you will have five new missions each in Bumville Shores and Central. After you beat each of these new missions, you will be able to play every single mission in the entire game as many times as you want. Use this as an opportunity to rack up money until episode 2 is eventually released for Clear Vision 3, or simply to rack up ranks for assassin tokens in preparation to play the special missions.

The Interrogation missions have a pretty simply pattern. It doesn’t really matter too much what you say to the thief. You’ll have one specific torture method to use on them. For example, in Bumville Shores you will have a thief hanging over a swimming pool. You will dip him in three times.

First, dip him for about 3 seconds. Then, dip him in for about 8 seconds. Then, dip him for about 16 seconds (he has to almost drown on this one). You’ll know to take him out because he will stop fighting you. Then, let him go after he gives up the goods. The pattern is similar for all of the interrogations.

With the night vision mission, do just as you would do in the multiple-target missions. Shoot them in the right order. You can restart without spending any extra tokens if you fail. The only difference is that it will be a bit tougher to see them, due to the night vision goggles.

You’ll see people with absolutely ridiculous scores on the leaderboards whenever you log into the computer. Every stage that you play will add to your score, so all that you have to do to be on that leaderboard is simply to play as many missions as possible.

Oh, and if you shoot someone with a perfect shot the first time, you will earn a 2X money bonus sometimes. When you replay a mission after the beating the game, the 2X money bonus happens far more frequently.

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