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Dungeon Keeper (iOS/Android) Defense Strategy Guide

Dungeon Keeper takes the familiar Clash of Clans formula and adds an element of tower defense to it. You have to deal with other players constantly trying to attack your dungeon, and you are given a huge number of ways that you can possibly defend it. The possibilities are so numerous that they can get overwhelming, but with the right defense, you will be nearly impenetrable. Read on for the defensive strategy guide to Dungeon Keeper for iOS and Android!

First thing’s first. When you are attacking other players, pay attention to what 90% of them are doing. They will usually all have their paths in the same places, and they will have all of their pathways laid out in the same manner. They are doing it wrong. Do not do that, or you will be easily defeated.

Do it differently than they do. Early on in the game, you won’t have too many rooms to deal with, so you will very easily be able to change your pathways. They are fairly straightforward to begin with. Don’t let them stay this way. Use the fill dirt from the trap store and use your imps’ digging power to change the paths. Make them far more twisty, and make it so that opposing players’ minions will have to spend much more time dawdling around in the corridors just to get to where they want to.

Next, move the important stuff around. Players will tend to leave their stone storage and their treasury in the same location that they start off in. These locations make it VERY easy for attackers to destroy the storage and treasury, and then run off, with very few troops expended. Move them in order to throw off opposing players.

The suggested area to move them to is right next to the dungeon heart. All of your trained troops will be stationed at the heart, and thus all of them will be able to go to work and be called to action far more easily than they would at the stock locations. This alone will make most players skip right over your dungeon and head straight to some other player’s dungeon.

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