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Dungeon Keeper (iOS/Android): How to win without spending any real-life money

The new iOS and Android version of Dungeon Keeper has largely been derided as a game that’s so full of in-app purchase grabs that you really can’t get anywhere without spending any money. Problem is, the game’s not really that much different from games such as Castle Clash and Clash of Clans, and it’s not much worse in the IAP department, and those two games are rather easy to succeed in without actually having to spend real life money. Read on to find out how to do just the same thing in Dungeon Keeper!

Yes, it is a long and arduous process to get free gems in this game; however, free gems are VERY plentiful, surprisingly. The quickest and easiest way to get them is in the achievements section. If you have completed an achievement, an exclamation mark will appear next to the “star” icon. Otherwise, you can go there at any time to see how you would go about completing an achievement.

The gem veins are another great source. Sure, they take awhile to cut through, but there’s a MASSIVE quantity of gem vains, and if you want to rebuild the paths after you cut them down, you can always go to the trap section of the store and replace the gem veins with fill dirt after you’re done. Knock down two gem veins every night when you go to bed, and the gems will add up.

Save gems too by not spending them frivolously. One of the easiest places to blow gems is completing the training of troops in your dungeon heart area. When you summon minions, each minion can be completed by using one gem, so if you are summoning armies of skeletons, you will use your gems very quickly, but if you are summoning mistresses and dragon whelps, you won’t go through your gems all that fast.

Using gems can be tempting to speed up construction of new buildings, and upgrades of existing buildings as well, but you can speed them up to double speed for free simply by slapping your imps every once in awhile. Slapping your imps causes them to work at double speed every half an hour. Incidentally, this is also a great way to speed up the mining of gem veins.

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