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HonorBound – How to get free diamonds, more coins and more embers

HonorBound is one of the most popular new role playing games for the iOS and Android platforms. This game has three forms of currency. Coins and embers are used to do research, primarily. Embers are also used for upgrading the statistics of your main hero and your other fighters, while coins are used for such things as evolving and enhancing your fighters. Diamonds are the premium currency of the game, and are mainly used to get super rare heroes. Read on for tips on how to get all three of them!

Coins are mainly gained by fighting in the battles. Each battle that you win (whether it be against a computer controlled enemy or in a PvP battle) will earn you coins as a reward. You’ll run out of energy fairly quickly while you are on quests, so you will either have to use energy packs (or spend diamonds for them), or cheat and set the time ahead on your phone or tablet.

If you set the time ahead by about an hour, you will be able to get all of your energy back right away. If you set the time back to normal, your cooldown time will be far longer (equivalent to the amount of time that you cheated). So wait until you are about to go to bed to set the time back to normal.

To increase the coins that you earn by fighting in battles, use the research function for “coin scavenger” to increase the percentage bonus on your battle earnings. To increase the maximum amount of coins that you can hold, research the coin vault.

The ember baron is the one who earns you embers. You can collect from him at specific intervals, and if you use research to upgrade the ember baron, you will be able to earn more embers at a time. The baron will collect them faster, and he will be able to hold more of them before he maxes out.

To increase the amount of embers that you can hold at one time, research the ember vault. The maximum embers will increase far more slowly than the maximum coins will, so keep on researching this as you earn coins, because embers are essential to upgrade your heroes, especially in the later battles.

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