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Infection Bio War (Infection!) Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Infection! (AKA: Infection Bio War) is a new iOS game that follows in the footsteps of Pandemic and Plague Inc. Your goal is to start your own disease, infect everybody, and eventually kill off the population of the entire planet. It’s extremely difficult to do, and you’ll end up having to restart the game over and over again if you do everything in the wrong order. Read on for some tips and tricks for Infection!

If you want to spread the disease the fastest, infect a country with a massive population, such as China, India or the United States. However, if you want to infect a hard-to-get country first, go for Greenland, Norway or Madagascar.

Then, let the game sit in double speed mode for awhile while you collect DNA bubbles and the infection spread. Don’t start purchasing symptoms or resistances yet. Wait until every single country has at least one person who is infected, and until you have around 200 DNA points. Then, go to the shop area.

Once you’re there, purchase every single symptom at once. Then go back to the game and people will start getting killed off immediately, at a very high rate of speed. You will be able to win the game this way even without spending any money on resistances; however, if you want the highest score possible, use resistances to thwart the research to finish with the lowest cure percentage possible.

This trick works for any difficulty level possible, with any evolution of the disease, and with all boosts to begin with. If you want to unlock everything as quickly as possible, do it on easy mode, except for the bonuses that you have to play the game on normal or hard mode in order to unlock.

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