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LINE Cookie Run: How to get free lives and gift points

LINE Cookie Run is the adventure of a gingerbread cookie who has become self-aware and has no intent on being eaten by the evil witch who’s trying to bake him, so he runs away. You control the run, of course, and from there on forward, anything can happen. Gift points earn you lucky draws, which can earn you all kinds of bonuses. Lives are used to actually play the game. Read on to find out how to get more of both!

The main way to get free lives requires you to be hooked up to the LINE app. If you don’t have it yet, download it, because if you play this game a lot, it will make your life MUCH easier. Once you’re on the LINE app and you’ve connected LINE Cookie Run to LINE, start finding as many friends as you possible can who play the game.

If you don’t know anyone else who does, then start looking for people on the various App Store review pages, or in the comments section of this and other articles about the game on this site, or even on Facebook pages (etc) about the game. You’ll find plenty of people who comment there. Then, once you have a load of friends who play, send lives back and forth like there’s no tomorrow.

Other ways to earn free energy include gaining levels, so buy the double EXP boost to speed up level gains when you know you are about to run out of energy. This boost costs only 800 coins. And since you gain more experience depending on distance and points scored, use any other boosts that will facilitate that.

To get more gift points, make as many purchases as possible, as these are the main way to automatically earn gift points. In addition, the first play of the day will automatically earn you a free 30 gift points.

Other ways to earn them include sending lives to friends, which earn you three points each. Invite friends for 30 points apiece. Share your accomplishments with your friends for 5 points each. Beat a friend’s high score for the week for 2 points. Post to your timeline from the game for 5 points.