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Royal Revolt 2: Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Page 2

5) Build more farms and upgrade your existing farms as high as possible.
You can build your third farm when your throne room is at level 2, and your fourth farm when your throne room is at level four. Your maximum upgrade level for each farm (and anything else, for that matter) is one level higher than your throne room. You will NEED food in order to fight battles, so make this your first priority above anything else.

4) Build more taverns, and upgrade your Silo and Treasure Storage.
Taverns can earn you a surprising amount of coins, even when you are not battling. At throne room level 3 you can build your third tavern and at throne room level 5 you can build your fourth one. Upgrading the treasure storage is important because you will have to do it before your next throne room upgrade, every single time, due to how little it holds and how expensive it is. The Silo will allow you to hold more food, allowing you to stash it away so that you can battle another day.

3) If your hero is about to die in battle, run away from enemy troops and towers and let your own troops take over.
When your hero is not fighting, he will regain his hit points very quickly, and then once he does, you can send him back in to fight again, complete with some replenished spells to boot. Don’t let him die in battle, or you will automatically lose the battle even if all of your troops are still alive. Your hero is the most important one there.

2) Load up on free gems using the quests.
Tap on the quests menu to see what you still have to complete. Almost every different upgrade and new building will equal one quest completed, as well other milestones such as unlocking new troops, spells, battle victory/rank milestones, and whatnot. Whenever the icon is flashing, tap on it in order to see what you have going on.

1) Be cheap and simple with your battle strategies.
Usually, your cheap old knights will be the best attacker, simply because you can send in so MANY of them. Rare exceptions to this rule will exist in advanced players, but hit “next” until you find an easier battle if you think you’re going to lose a battle before you even start it. For tough battles, though, know what troops to take with you by checking their attributes in the Troop Academy, and know what spells to select by checking their attributes in th Wizard Tower.

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