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Disco Zoo: How to unlock all rescue aircraft and get every animal

Disco Zoo is a fun take on the zoo simulator genre by NimbleBit. You can get many different types of animals in this game, but first, you have to have all of the different types of aircraft that it takes to rescue every single animal. Read on to find out how to get every animal and every aircraft in the game!

You start the game off with the hot air balloon, which allows you to get to the farm. Fairly quickly you’ll be able to buy the helicopter that’s needed for the Outback, but there’s a huge gap between that and the Africopter, which allows you to go to the African Savanna. In order to unlock that, you will need to upgrade your zoo to a Medium Zoo. This will be done at 75 animals. Then, you can buy the Africopter for 10,000 coins.

The process is exactly the same for every other aircraft that you need. You’ll need to upgrade the size of your zoo for some of them, and for all of them you will need to pay a certain amount of coins. Of course, you can skip the whole process altogether by paying Discobux, but that starts off extremely expensive and just gets more and more ridiculous with every aircraft that you unlock. Better to spend the time rather than the money, since it doesn’t take all that much time to begin with.

Every single location that you go to has six of each animal. Three of them are considered common, while two of them are rare, and one of them is mythical. Every time that you fail to catch an animal, the pattern will pop up after you are done. Write down the pattern, or just go to the free ZooPedia guide to see what all of the animal patterns in the game are.

There are a total of 42 different animals in Disco Zoo, with 7 locations out of 6 different animals. You can have up to 30 of each animal, and any animal caught after that is freed. That means that you can have a maximum of 1,050 total animals in your zoo. Once you have the maximum number of animals, you can still keep playing in order to try to earn coins and Discobux, but there really won’t be anything to spend them on anymore.