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Summon Masters – How to get premium rare units and weapons

Summon Masters is a new RPG for iOS and Android with card-battling elements to keep it interesting. Like the TCGs that influenced it, you have multiple unit rarities. Units are graded as D, C, B, A, S, SS (also known as 1-star through 6-star), and the three-star and above units are the key to building an extremely powerful guild. Read on for tips on how to get the rarest cards in Summon Masters!

Believe it or not, it’s actually not all that uncommon to earn rare cards through standard summons. You’ll almost never see cards of 4 or 5 stars, and you can’t earn 6-star cards (AKA: two rainbow star cards), but you’ll semi-frequently earn three star cards using the general summons. Spend your gold or your SP (summon points) on these ones.

Premium summons, of course, will earn you the best cards that you can get – and of course, they are going to cost quite a bit more. Cubic, the premium currency of the game (yes, cubic zirconium is apparently a premium currency), will buy you a rare summon – one for 30 cubic and ten for 300 cubic. In exchange, you’ll get a 4-6 star unit.

Premium weapons are had in the exact same way. When you are inside of the summon menu tap on the “Summon Weapon” tab to switch over to weapon summons. The prices are exactly the same as the unit summons, both for the general and the premium ones.

Premium summon tickets are earned often as rewards for completing achievements (which can be found in the expanded menu screen), as well as earned as rewards for battles and for boss fights. Scroll between the unit summon and weapon summon screens to see if you have any tickets that you can use.

Finally, premium units and weapons can often be earned as a reward for exploring. Generally, the harder the stage, the more likely you are to earn premium rewards by beating it, meaning that later stages in general, but especially hard and hell stages, are great places to earn premium units.