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Summon Masters – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

When you start exploring, your allies’ leader cards will pop up at the top of the helper list, followed by strangers’ leader cards. For this reason, you will want the allies with the most powerful leader cards. Add the players with the rarest and strongest leader cards as allies, and as your ally list fills up, delete those who have weaker leaders. Also, whenever you see a global popup congratulating a specific player on earning a rare card, add that player by name for a chance at using their leader.

Cubics are the premium currency of the game, and while your most obvious source of free cubics is the daily rewards, they’re nowhere near being the only source or even the biggest source. Fight in boss battles as often as possible for a chance at high cubic rewards. Special achievements (which are in the “achievement” menu, one tab over from standard achievements) are a big earner of free cubic as well. Most of these involve clearing a specific area, but except more to be added later on in the game.

You can earn big rewards for winning in the PvP battles, but the more you win, the tougher winning becomes. Pick the lowest-leveled players that pop up on the list to make it easier to win. Experience level typically goes along with troop strength, with very few exceptions. If there are no players who are at a low enough level that you want to try your hand against them, hit the “renew” button as many times as you need to in order to reload the list of players.

Spend coins as quickly as possible on buying every single jewel box that you can. Jewel boxes will earn you gold coins at regular intervals, and the more of them you own, the more gold you will earn, which will allow you to summon far more troops. Add jewels when you earn them in order to make the jewel boxes earn money even more quickly.

In battle, your party members’ skills will often have the ability to hit more than one enemy at once (especially archers and magicians as they typically fire in a straight line). Instead of just picking a random enemy to aim at, aim at one who has enemy units position in front of and behind it relative to the position of your party member, and you’ll be able to hit multiple units at once.

When you get stuck on a stage, go back to old stages that you have already beaten and play them over and over again in order to earn more troops, weapons, and gold. Use any unneeded units and weapons as strengthening fodder for your active units and weapons.

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