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[Star Wars: Assault Team] Top 20 Tips Tricks and Cheats

Star Wars: Assault Team is a great card battle RPG that makes Star Wars: Force Collection look absolutely ancient by comparison. The graphics are great, the battles are surprisingly engrossing, and there is a huge amount of stuff to do, story to discover and battles to win. Of course, it’s going to get INSANELY difficult, and fairly quickly, too. Read on for the top twenty tips for Star Wars: Assault Team!

20: Go to the options menu and set the battle speed to “fastest” in order to speed up the game massively, and to make grinding for exp and credits less time-consuming.
19: The harder the mission, the better the rewards will be that you will earn.
18: Also, the harder the battle, the more likely you will be to find free Corusca gems. You’ll earn one free one every time you rank up, but sometimes they are within each stage.

17: Fill up your team as quickly as possible. Then make sure that your heroes are all tier 2 and above.
16: Tier-1 heroes are useless, and after awhile, Tier-2 heroes will be, too. Use them as sacrifice fodder in the training area to power up your active heroes.

15: Train your heroes. Make sure that your training items match your heroes’ type for double experience points. Sacrifice unneeded hero cards, and make sure that those types match up too, for double EXP.
14: Don’t use your promotional cards on your heroes until they are actually ready to promote or they will just be expensive training cards. They will be promotable at level ten.

13: Sick of running out of energy? Refill it using free Corusca Gems. Or gain one rank level and you will get a free energy refill. Or, go play some other game and wait for your energy to return. Clash of Clans is a good time waster if that last option is what you wanna do.
12: The fastest way to get experience points is to use your energy playing the normal missions. Bar none.

11: However, the fastest way to get damn near anything else is to play the limited edition missions that change daily, or under the “special missions” tab. Check back daily to see what special missions pop up.
10: Play the arena mode as often as possible so that you can earn bounties. Go spend those bounties in the arena shop for some seriously awesome prizes without having to spend Corusca gems.

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