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{Chaos Fighters} Top 20 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

Chaos Fighters is billed by the developers as the first character-switching RPG. Whether they are being totally honest or not is one thing, but one thing is for certain: this is an extremely fun mobile RPG that’s worth the time of any fan of the genre. It starts off easy before rapidly developing into something extremely difficult – and heck, the arena mode, by definition, can be a place of endless difficulty increases. Read on for the top twenty tips and tricks for Chaos Fighters!

20: Equip the highest-leveled weapons and armor that you have. The higher the minimum level that’s required in order to wear it, the better the stats are, generally.
19: But also, make sure to enhance the equipment using your Enhancing Amulets, and your coins if you have no more amulets left. This will significantly increase statistics, even moreso depending on equipment level.

18: Reforge your equipment to increase the secondary stats. Engrave your equipment beforehand if you want to reforge it but you have a particular secondary stat that you want to keep.
17: Use the drills to drill sockets into your equipment unless it already comes with a socket spot. Then put gems in it to increase stats.
16: Use fusion on your gems if you want to power up their statistics greatly. Use fusion on your fighters or pets to significantly and permanently increase all of their statistics.

15: If you want to gain experience levels rapidly, use all of your energy boosts, then go to the adventure area and use “Sweep” to complete a stage over and over again. Sweep the highest stage possible for the best prizes and experience gains.
14: To gain the most experience per energy used, use the team battles (F-1, F-2 etc). They’ll earn you far more experience for the same energy expenditure.

13: Save your coins to buy a pet egg in the store if you haven’t found a pet in battle yet. Then train your pet in the Pet House to increase their statistics.
12: Spend diamonds to increase the size of your backpack if you want to hold more stuff.

11: If you can’t equip something on your current fighter, change fighters and then when you equip a fighter who can equip the particular item, equip the item. Then switch back to your previous fighter, and the equipped item will carry over.

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