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WarFire! Tips and Cheats – The Strategy Guide

WarFire! is a new MMO strategy game with a style of gameplay that will be instantly familiar to anyone who has played Clash of Clans. Your goal in this game, just as in Clash, is to build up a base, crank up the production of resources (in this case, gold and metal), train a bunch of troops and send them to maul other players’ bases. Read on for some tips and tricks for WarFire!

-Build up your resource buildings as high as you can, and as you upgrade your main base, upgrade your resource buildings (and build more of them) so that you can maximize resources.
-Nice guys finish last in WarFire. Start raiding opponents’ bases as soon as you can so that you can earn power and resources at the fastest rate possible.

-Change your battle strategy depending on what your goal is. In general, send in troops close to enemy defensive buildings so that they can take them out quickly. If you’re going for power, send them in close to the enemy main base. If you’re going for resources, send them in close to the enemy resource buildings and storages.
-Troops in this game are almost identical in purpose to those in Clash of Clans. Your first three troops (infantry, raiders and looters) will be sufficient for almost every battle except for the most advanced ones in this game. Make these the first troops that you upgrade in the Tech Center.

-Your other troops (all of which are about equivalent to their Clash of Clans alternatives) are mainly used as specialists for specific purposes, so send them in when you need a specific task done. For example, send in the Zealouts to blow through enemy walls. Send in the Armed Warrior to soak up damage and attack enemy defenses.
-Sick of getting raided? If you need to get resources and are tired of losing them (and enemies are tough to beat), fight a number of battles where you send in 1 troop each, quit right away so that you lose power, and then start fighting battles for resources. You’re matched against other players by power, so you can cheat and drop your power down so that the raids end.

-Upgrade your storages as often as possible. Unlike other games of this type, you have one storage for both gold and metal, making it far easier to upgrade rapidly and to collect as many resources as possible.

-Build the Union Center in order to be able to join a union, so that you and your union mates can send troops back and forth. Missile factories are important, and allow for one-off air raids for specific types of resources. They’re especially good for earning oil later on in the game. Go on raids and send in missiles to the opposing player’s oil buildings. Keep doing this over and over to earn oil.