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Lightbringers: Saviors of Raia – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Lightbringers: Saviors of Raia is a new hack and slash for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to free the land of Raia, and to do this you hack and slash through insanely huge hordes of little monsters who run at you suicidally, big monsters who seemingly sit there and do nothing, and really ugly things that give you gifts. Kind of like Christmas with your family. Read on for some tips and tricks for Lightbringers: Saviors of Raia!

-There is no hit point meter during battle, so the way you’ll know how close to death you are is the amount of blood on the screen. When it gets too heavy, run away from the hordes for about 10 seconds and your health will be automatically restored.
-You don’t have to tap the attack button over and over to do combo attacks. Just hold the attack button and they will happen automatically.

-Enemies drop gold, but you won’t earn it unless you run over and collect it manually. Make sure to make your way to them before they disappear.
-Use your secondary skills as often as possible, because you get an unlimited amount of them. You just have to wait for them to rejuvenate.

-Use your paragon light whenever you fill your paragon might meter. Fill it by killing more enemies (kill hordes of little dudes to fill it the fastest).
-Upgrade your main weapon as soon as possible by spending all of that gold that you earn. This makes it far easier to kill the larger enemies.

-Having trouble with a particular stage? Go back to old stages so that you can gain both gold and experience, powering up your character and making the stage earlier.
-Save your diamonds for permanent purchases. Don’t bother using them to buy boosts at the beginning of the stage.

-Want free diamonds? Go to the in-app purchase store and hit the free diamonds button and you can complete a number of Tapjoy offers in order to earn diamonds without having to spend any money.
-You can’t pause in the middle of battle. Minimize the app, though, and the game will pause itself automatically.