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Battle of Zombies – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Battle of Zombies is a new MMO real time strategy game for iOS, but it’s been on Android for a little bit longer. It’s much like Clash of Clans but with zombie characters, with a few extra changes. You have a base full of zombies, along with resources such as energy and wind, and your goal is to destroy other players, join a clan and fight in clan battles, and become one of the most powerful players in the game. Read on for some tips and tricks for Battle of Zombies!

-One of the major changes in this game is that you don’t have to spend gems in order to get more builders. You can buy them with energy, so the first thing that you do as you upgrade should be to buy more builders.
-There are ten different zombie troops in the game. For most of your battles, soldiers will be your bread and butter, and they are likely to overwhelm simply by sheer numbers. Throwers are great for attacking over walls, while burgers are great for resource raids.

-As you rank up and earn badges, you’ll end up getting attacked more often and by more powerful players. If you get sick of getting raided so often, drop your rank by sending in one person at a time, then forfeiting the battle over and over. Then weaker players will attack you.

-Defensewise, if you don’t know what to do, one of your best bets is to take a look at the bases of those who you have the biggest problems beating, then imitate what they do. If you want to keep your rank down, place your townhall outside of the walls. In all cases, put your resources inside of the walls.

-Using the university to upgrade will make troops which seemed semi worthless before (such as the hippie vans) into forces to be reckoned with. Sending fatsos in to distract and destroy defenses, followed by soldiers and/or burglars, is one of the best strategies or battle.
-Another more advanced one is to send in a ton of fatsos, followed by healers. Watch out for traps if you do it this way, though – keep a few soldiers around to spring any traps that you might come across.

-Knock out the rocks and trees to earn free gems. If you run out of trees, rocks and other obstacles, don’t worry because more of them will pop up as you play.
-Complete the achievements to earn free gems. The quests earn you experience points, toxins and energy, and many of them will earn you gems as well.