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Make It Rain: The Love of Money – Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Page 2

5) Stop the IRS popup from appearing using a few specific techniques.
The first one is to leave the store tab open and let it stay open. The second is to leave any advertisement up that pops onto the screen open and put the phone down to let the financials do the work. Your financials will continue to earn money at all times when the ad is open even if you can’t see it.

4) Stop the intrusive ads from screwing up your gameplay.
The ads have gotten far heavier since the last update, but there is a way to get rid of them for free. Cut off the data on your phone or tablet (or if they have no data, just cut off the wi-fi) and the ads will stop popping up, This is because the ads are the only element of the game that requires you to have an internet connection. The game itself does not require any data or internet connection.

3) Watch out for the times that financials become more important than your business investments.
These times happen once in a blue moon or so – not very frequently. However, one major incident is right around the time you start buying billion dollar investments. The hedge fund earns LOADS of money per dollar spent, as opposed to the previous purchases. From there on, financials stay quite important for awhile up until you get stuck after the Investment Bank but before you can afford Insider Trading.

2) Cheat by using the date and time trick to make your buckets fill up faster.
Want to fill up your buckets right away? Go to the date and time settings for your phone or tablet and set the time ahead by about an hour. This will be more than enough to load up an empty bucket. Then go back to the game and collect from your bucket. Then go back to the date and time settings and set them back to normal and do it all over again.

1) Use as many of the free offers in the lightning-bolt icon as possible. Each one will double your financials, which can put you way over the top in terms of being able to afford things more quickly, and eventually making it to the top of the Making It Rain ladder.

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