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Summon Masters – Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats, Page 2

5) Participate in the events as often as possible.
Events can bring all sorts of bonuses with them. For example, usually you will get event summons, which can earn you extremely rare troops for less money or Cubic than a regular premium summon would cost. Alternatively, new event dungeons can pop up on the quest screen, which have a better shot at earning you Cubic or rare weapons and heroes.

4) Join an alliance to load up on the Soul Points.
Alliances can help each other out. You get more soul points if you use one of your alliance member’s leader cards as a helper card, and you have a higher chance of your card being used due to your alliance members being there. Also, you and your alliance members can send soul points to the alliance as a free gift. Make sure that you are playing with an active alliance to maximize the benefits, and if they go inactive, quit and join a new alliance.

3) Buy Cubic in order to get VIP benefits.
Not sure what to do with the iTunes card that you still haven’t spent since Christmas? If you play this game often, this s a good way to spend it due to the massive amounts of rewards that you will earn for doing so. The more Cubic you purchase in the store, the higher your VIP level will go, which can lead to huge benefits such as auto battles. Wait until sales on Cubic appear, such as 2X Cubic events, before you buy.

2) Complete achievements in order to earn free Cubic, soul points and other goodies.
Achievements are all listed under the menu tab. These can provide all kinds of goodies, from free Cubic to rare fighters and weapons for your guild. Go to the tab to find a list of incomplete achievements, so that you know what to do next. Tap over “special achievements” for a list of good ones that exclusively earns you Cubic.

1) Fight the bosses as often as possible.
Fight battles are one of the most frequently neglected areas of this game, and they can be extremely tough to beat. That’s why you should fight them. The more bosses you fight, the better a chance you have of earning huge quantities of Cubic.

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